
Due Diligence

We offer the full spectrum of sophisticated, preemptive information and data analysis required before making a business decision.

While all business transactions and decisions involve certain risks, by employing proper due diligence, we help you reduce those risks significantly.

Due diligence is generally comprised of the following:

  • Examining non-shareholder influence
  • Assessing the strength of key customer relationships
    Investigating companies and their upper level management in a discreet, in-depth way
  • Assessing the financial fluidity prior to mergers, sales, or purchases
  • Updated data analysis and verification
    Assessing company liabilities and assets
  • Analyzing and verifying present activity/recent events
    Examining and evaluating background of executive and junior applicants
  • Real estate searches and appraisals
    Company and personnel's standing in their respective professional domain.
  • Searching of past court judgments and litigation records/history
    Bankruptcy searches
  • Analyzing relationships with local regulators
    Substantiating reported events in company's history
  • Verifying rumors regarding problems with subsidiary or outsourcing units
  • Providing relevant information in support of mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and extensions of credit.
  • Assistance in composing compliance policies covering due diligence obligations, specifying standards, and requirements